Hulp gezocht!! (Vlag van welk Duits regiment ?)

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Berichten: 1349
Lid geworden op: 13 okt 2004, 17:07
Locatie: Nederland

Hulp gezocht!! (Vlag van welk Duits regiment ?)

Bericht door Maj.Cain »

Wie o wie kan mij vertellen welk Duits regiment op dit sjaal/vlag staat afgebeeld??!!
Ik weet dat op Nico z'n Duitse stafkaart een Div staat afgebeeld het zelfde als op mijn sjaal/vlag namelijk II/84 op de mijne staat II/219??
Ik kan het ff zo 1 2 3 niet vinden op Booble uuh google!!


Alvast bedankt

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Red Devils of Arnhem/Oosterbeek
Berichten: 20
Lid geworden op: 02 dec 2004, 15:52

Bericht door rafd »

Ik denk dat het hier moet gaan om het 2de bataljon van het 219de regiment SS.
De SS gebruikte de term "strumbann" tot 1940 om een bataljon aan te duiden.
Suivez moi
Berichten: 1349
Lid geworden op: 13 okt 2004, 17:07
Locatie: Nederland

Bericht door Maj.Cain »

Bedankt voor de info, was even bang dat niemand het zou weten!!
Ik vond op Goolge ook info over Sturmbann en dat het met SS te maken had, die swasticka zie je dan ook niet in beeld, alleen gedeeltelijk.
Maar ik kon dus niks over 219 vinden of ik heb er overheen gekeken?!
In ieder geval bedankt!!
Red Devils of Arnhem/Oosterbeek
Berichten: 798
Lid geworden op: 22 jul 2004, 19:03
Locatie: Apeldoorn

Bericht door Zitadelle »

Op de FeldGrau-website staat geen vermelding van een 219e SS Regiment...

Misschien kan je het beter op het forum van FeldGrau vragen (wel in het Engels en anders wil ik de vraag wel voor je stellen)

of het forum van het Axis History FactBook

It takes one tree to make a thousand matches, and it takes one match to burn a thousand trees.
Berichten: 1349
Lid geworden op: 13 okt 2004, 17:07
Locatie: Nederland

Bericht door Maj.Cain »

Thx voor de info zal zeker gaan checken!!
Red Devils of Arnhem/Oosterbeek
Berichten: 1349
Lid geworden op: 13 okt 2004, 17:07
Locatie: Nederland

Bericht door Maj.Cain »

Heb wat info gekregen op de website Zitadelle me gaf!!
Thx nog maals Zitadelle!!

The roman numeral II indicates the second battalion and 219 would be the Artillerie-Regiment 219 so it is the second battalion of the 219 Artillery Regiment or II./Artillerie-Regiment 219.

This regiment was attached to the 183. Infantry-Division fighting in the Yugoslavia in April/June 1941 and then Russia from October 1941 through August 1943 where they were decimated in and around the Kiev area.

Then the divison was renamed as the 183. Volks-Grenadier-Division 15 September 1944. From October 1944 through March 1944 it was in the Aachen area. and assigned as follows:

• October 1944 with II.SS Korps-7. Armee, HG "B" Aachen area
• November 1944 with XII.SS Korps-5. Panzer- Armee, HG "B" Aachen area
• December 1944 with XXXXVII. Armee Korps-5. Panzer- Armee, HG "B" Aachen area
• January 1944 with XII.SS Korps-15. Armee, HG "B" Aachen area
• February 1944 with XII.SS Korps-15. Armee, HG "B" Aachen area
• March 1944 with XII.SS Korps-15. Armee, HG "B" Aachen area
• April 1944 with LVII. Armee Korps-5. Panzer- Armee, HG "B" Rhein, Ruhr area

They were captured in the Ruhrkessel in April 1945 surrendering the the Allies.

The artillery regiment was originaaly established on 28 November 1939 in Wehrkreis XIII at Münsingen as a light artillery regiment. On 6 January 1940 they were reorganized to a regular artillery regiment.

All of the other units with the number 219 are less than regiment in size so that is why I believe it has to be artillery regiment 219. Also the location in 1944 makes sense with your location.

Hope this gives you some information.
I type the following in errors:

Then the divison was renamed as the 183. Volks-Grenadier-Division 15 September 1944. From October 1944 through March 1944 it was in the Aachen area. and assigned as follows:

It should read:

Then the divison was renamed as the 183. Volks-Grenadier-Division 15 September 1944. From October 1944 through March 1945 it was in the Aachen area. and assigned as follows:

also January, February, March and April should be 1945 and not 1944.
discussie op andere site over de vlag gaat door ;)
Brian 67,

The only other possibility is that there is a Grenadier Regiment 219 which was assigned to the 703 Infanterie-Division that was established on 22 March 1945, as was the division, and was located in Holland with the 25. Armee.

The 703. Infanterie-Division was established by utilizing isolated units in the area of Ijmuiden, Holland and forming an Infanterie-Divison.

Grenadier-Regimeny 219 utilized the 10.Schiffs-Stamm Abteilung from Zaandvoort.

How all of this relates to Sturmbann is not known. Can you tell me?

I have rechecked and all other 219 organizations are a battalion or abteilung or less that carry the 219 designation.

The only other unit is the Luftnachrichten-Regiment 219 that was established in Schlesien on 2 September 1944 and was part of Jagdfliergerführer Schlesien. This is a less likely unit than those mentioned above.
hello maj. cain, hello ron and finally hello brian,

brian i think you are right with your words.
the "flag" belongs to a Sturmbann.
Sturmbann II/219 means that this is the second Sturmbann of the SA-Standarte 219.
a Standarte is built of several Sturmbanns, every Sturmbann is signed by a roman number.
so you have the following Sturmbanns in this Standarte:
I/Sturmbann 219
II/Sturmbann 219
III/Sturmbann 219

i have an old notebook, it´s called "Lauenburgischer Haushaltungskalender 1940". in it there is an article about the SA-Standarte J.9 and how it is diveded in the several Sturmbanns.

in the SA-Standarte it looks like the following example:

SA-Standarte J.9
- Führer der Standarte Obersturmbannführer Lüth
- Verwaltungsführer der Standarte Verwaltungsobersturmbannführer Hahn
- Sturmbann I/J.9
+ Führer des Sturmbanns I/J.9 Sturmbannführer Willers
Das Sturmbann I/J.9 umfasst folgende Stürme:
- Sturm 1/J.9 Sturmführer Junge
- Sturm 2/J.9 Obersturmführer Meiners
- Sturm 3/J.9 Sturmführer Lippardt
- Sturm 4/J.9 Sturmführer Oesau
- Sturm 5/J.9 Obersturmführer Suhr
- Sturmbann II/J.9
+ Führer des Sturmbanns II/J.9 Sturmhauptführer Dreves
Das Sturmbann II/J.9 umfasst folgende Stürme:
- Sturm 11/J.9 ObertruppführerHeitmann
- Sturm 12/J.9 Obersturmführer Kaufhold
- Sturm 13/J.9 Sturmhauptführer Dittmer
- Sturm 14/J.9 SturmführerDreyer
- Sturmbann III/J.9
+ Führer des Sturmbanns III/J.9 Sturmbannführer Lüth
Das Sturmbann III/J.9 umfasst folgende Stürme:
- Sturm 21/J.9 Sturmführer Behnke
- Sturm 22/J.9 Obertruppführer Richter
- Sturm 23/J.9 Sturmhauptführer Albrecht
- Sturm 24/J.9 Obertruppführer Hillmann
- Sturm 25/J.9 Sturmhauptführer Bauch
- Sturm 26/J.9 Obersturmführer Brügmann

Der Standarte J.9 sind direkt unterstellt:
Nachrichtensturm J.9 Führer: Obertruppführer Kedenburg
Pioniersturm J.9 Führer: Sturmhauptführer Albrecht
Sanitätssturm J.9 Führer: San-Sturmhauptführer Witt
Musikzug J.9 Führer: Sturmhauptführer Eschke

i hope you understand the german words.

and i hope it helps.

Lol ik raak nu de weg kwijt, welk onderdeel is het nou????!!
Red Devils of Arnhem/Oosterbeek
Berichten: 453
Lid geworden op: 26 nov 2002, 22:10

Bericht door monmax »

II./219 duidt inderdaad op 2e bataljon 219e regiment. Maar de Waffen-SS kent geen 219e regiment. Gezien de term Sturmbann zul je het dus in de hoek van de SA moeten zoeken.

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