Lachen met eBay

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Lid geworden op: 17 mar 2005, 21:11

Lachen met eBay

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Soms kom je op eBay advertenties tegen die wel heel erg lachen / opmerkelijk / bijzonder zijn. Post ze hier! Bij voorkeur met link, en vergeet niet de afbeelding even ergens anders te hosten en ze hier te plaatsen, evenals de tekst!

The morning of January 25th I woke up to get ready for school. I took a shower as I always do and went downstairs to make breakfast. Almost everyday I make toast for breakfast. I put the bread in my conventional oven and waited the 2 minutes required for it to come to burn slightly like I like it. When I opened my oven I was surprised to see two blurry faces on my pieces of toast. This is a startling find so I pondered keeping the toast but I have no use for these mysterious pieces of toast so I am selling them. The toast will be preserved in a plastic bag with something to keep moisture out. Don't miss your opportunity to have this precious find! Good luck bidding!
10% of sale will go to the charity of the buyers choice. ... 0193685706

You are bidding on one magic coffee bean. Throw this coffee bean into your normal batch of coffee and sit back as success embraces you. Here is the story behind this bean. Me and my cousin were in Columbia about a year ago on a business trip. We were walking through the city streets when we came across a vendor selling coffee beans. We thought this was odd so we questioned the vendor about the odd commodity he was selling. He told us that each of these beans were blessed by a Gypsy in the Columbian mountains and anyone who consumes the coffee bean will be surrounded by wealth and happiness. We didn't believe him at all but we thought why not and bought 3 beans. The price was only a little over 5 dollars in Dollars anyway. So we got home and my cousin thought "hey lets try these out". He was joking of course. We made a pot of coffee and drank up. Thinks were normal for about a week. Than I got a knock on the door it was those people on tv that run around in that van giving people large checks and balloons. I won 1 million dollars. I was ecstatic. I picked up the phone to call my cousin when all of a sudden he called me. I picked up the phone to find out that a stock he had invested 10,000 had shot through the roof and was now worth over 500k . I have one coffee bean left from that trip and I do not want to jinx the success that has already occurred so I'm giving this one away to the highest bidder. Good luck. ... 0194758153

En er zijn zelfs mensen die hier op bieden. Je lacht je rot. :bonk: :mrgreen:
Давайте жить дружно (laten we in vriendschap samenleven)!
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