Battlefield 1918 Forgotten Honor: Price of a Mile

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Beste Signature 2010
Beste Signature 2010
Berichten: 1704
Lid geworden op: 23 jul 2006, 03:09
Locatie: Ieper - Belgie

Battlefield 1918 Forgotten Honor: Price of a Mile

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After numerous successful campaigns Forgotten Honor is proud to open the second Battlefield 1918 Campaign: Price of a Mile. This 10 week campaign will feature battles in the Oriental theatre of war from 1914 to 1917. After the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand, Europe was subsequently plunged into the Great War. Will you aid the British Empire in conquering the Dardanelles and creating a 3rd front? Or will you assist the Ottoman Army in defending its homeland from the British? The choice is yours!

The campaign promises to offer explosive, fun, and engaging gameplay. Tactics and teamplay will reign supreme in the field of battle, with detailed organisation, chains of command, and intense regiment-based warfare. Even the newest recruit has the opportunity to become a key part of their regiment by advancing through the ranks and earning medals for their accomplishments.


Battlefield 1918 & Forgotten Honor

Battlefield 1918 is a mod for Battlefield 1942. That means it modifies the game so you are not fighting in WW2, but in WWI with everything that belongs to WWI, like biplanes, trenches, tanks and rifles.

This time Inside1918 and Forgotten Honor have decided to work together and create an even better experience than last time. The only mod you need for this campaign is the BF1918-F|H mod and then you are set for the whole campaign.

Also, for this campaign the Inside1918 team has created exclusive maps designed for tournament gameplay and they contain new content that cannot be found in the original mod!


What you need?

Battlefield 1942 and internet of course, patched to v1.61b Mirror 1, 2 or 3 (choose one of these) and patch 1! You don't need Battlefield 1918 V3.0!

Battlefield 1942 Patch 1.5 -> 1.6
Battlefield 1942 Patch 1.6 > 1.61b

Mirror 1
Mirror 2
Mirror 3

Patch 1

What is a campaign?

A campaign is a series of battles where you recrete the timeline of the war. Here at Forgotten Honor it also means teamplay and organised gameplay. Campaigns take around 8 weeks and every week we will have one battle. For the 1918 campaign we have battles each Saturday.
  • Large scale battles every Saturday evening
  • Get a chance to immerse yourself in WWI warfare
  • Earn promotions and rewards for your achievements
  • Choose from two major armies with historically accurate regiments
  • New friendships with likeminded people from all over the world
  • It is free, and everybody is welcome


PS: wie naast mij wilt strijden, kan zich aanmelden aan de 29th 'Incomparable' Division - South Wales Borderers. Je bent gerekruteerd door Fritz-Kempf. We hebben dringend nieuwe leden nodig! Meer info vind je daar. Wie bij mij aanmeld, heeft vier Battlefield 1918 ontwikkelaars in z'n team! Cicero, Kaiser (In FHt KiwiKiwi), amoghektor en mijzelf (Fritz Kempf). Wat betekend dat wij de mappen weken lang getest hebben en gewoon alles weten te zijn. Bovendien zijn drie mappen door mij zelf gemaakt en Cicero werkte de mappen af met textuur. Ik zou zeggen, wil je joinen dat doe je het best bij ons! :)
"Always remember both sides of the line"~~~~ Britse oudstrijder en oudste Brit ooit (tot hij overleed), Harry Patch (110 jaar) - Menenpoort Ieper, 21 juni 2008

Heb je Battlefield 1918 problemen? Klik hier en leg uit wat het probleem is!
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Beste Signature 2010
Beste Signature 2010
Berichten: 1704
Lid geworden op: 23 jul 2006, 03:09
Locatie: Ieper - Belgie

Re: Battlefield 1918 Forgotten Honor: Price of a Mile

Bericht door sniper snoop »

Map 1!

"Always remember both sides of the line"~~~~ Britse oudstrijder en oudste Brit ooit (tot hij overleed), Harry Patch (110 jaar) - Menenpoort Ieper, 21 juni 2008

Heb je Battlefield 1918 problemen? Klik hier en leg uit wat het probleem is!
sniper snoop
Beste Signature 2010
Beste Signature 2010
Berichten: 1704
Lid geworden op: 23 jul 2006, 03:09
Locatie: Ieper - Belgie

Re: Battlefield 1918 Forgotten Honor: Price of a Mile

Bericht door sniper snoop »

Word gespeeld op 6 november 2010.
"Always remember both sides of the line"~~~~ Britse oudstrijder en oudste Brit ooit (tot hij overleed), Harry Patch (110 jaar) - Menenpoort Ieper, 21 juni 2008

Heb je Battlefield 1918 problemen? Klik hier en leg uit wat het probleem is!
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