Ik weet niet of de titel een goede naam heeft voor dit topic, ook weet ik niet of ik het nu in het goede topic gedeelte heb en of al een dergelijk topic bestaat.
Het doel van dit topic is om een aantal gebeurtenissen van soldaten uit WWI, WWII en andere oorlogen hier te laten horen qua verhalen wat hun gedaan hebben en daar een bepaalde medaille voor gekregen te hebben voor moed. Zoals bijvoorbeeld de Amerikaanse Congressional Medal of Honor.
Hier een paar van mij wat ik zelf erg aanspraakmakend vindt:
Dilboy, George
Rank and Organization: Private First Class, Company H, 103d Infantry, 26th Division. Place and Date: Near Bellau, France, 18 July 1918. Entered Service at: Keene, N. H. Birth: Greece.
Citation: After his platoon had gained its objective along a railroad embankment, Privat Dilboy, accompanying his platoon leader to reconnoiter the ground beyond, was suddenfly fired upon by an enemy machine gun from 100 yards. From a standing position on the raildroad track, fully exposted to view, he opened fire at once, but, failing to silence the gun, rushed forward with his bayonet, fixed, through a wheat field toward the gun emplacemnt, falling within 25 yard of the gun with his right leg nearly severed below the knee and with several bullet holes in his body. With undaunted courage he cntinued to fire into the emplacement from a prone position, killing two of the enemy and dispersing the rest of the crew.
Hiervoor kreeg Dilboy, George de Medal of Honor.
Perkins, Michael J.
Rank and Organization: Private First Class, Comapny Dy, 101st Infantry, 26th Division. Place and Date: At Belieu Bois, France, 27 Oct. 1919. Entered Service at: Boston, Mass. Birth: Boston, Mass.
Citation: He, voluntarily and alone, crawled to a German "pill box" machinegun emplacement, from which grenades were being thrown at his platoon. Awaiting his opportunity, when the door was again opened and another grenade thrown, he trhew a bomb inside, bursting the door open, and then, drawing his trench knife, rushed into the emplacement. In a hand-to-hand struggle he killed or wounded several of the occupants and captured about 25 prisoners, at the same time silencing 7 machine-guns.
Hiervoor kreeg Perkins, Micheal J. ook de Medal of Honor.
Persoonlijk vind ik dit een erg moedig, aangezien niet velen dit naar mijn mening gauw zouden doen.Wilson, Alfred L.
Rank and Organization: Technician Fifth Grade, Medical Detachment, 328th Infantry, 26th Infantry Division. Place and Date: Near Bezange la Petite, France, 8 Nov. 1944. Entered Service at: Fairchance, Pa. Birth: Fairchance, Pa.
Citation: He volunteerde to assist as an aid man a company other than his own, which was suffering causalties from constant artillery fire. He administerd to the wounded and returend to his own company when a shell burst injured a number of its men. While treating his comrades he was seriously wounded, but refused to be evacuated by litter bearers sent to relieve him. In spite of great pain and loss of blood, he continued to adminster first aid until he was too weak to stand. Crawling from one patient to the another, he continued his work until excessive loss of blood prevented him from moving. He then verbally directed unskilled enlisted men in continuing the first aid for the wounded. Still refusing assistance himself, he remained to instruct others in dressing the wounds of his comrades until he was unable to speak above a whisper and finally lapsed into unconscousness. The effects of his injury later caused his death. By steadfastly remaining at the scene without regard for his own safety, Corporal Wilson through distinguished devotion to duty and personal sacrifice helped to the lieves of at least 10 wounded men.
Hiervoor kreeg Wilson, Alfred L. ook de Medal of Honor.
Hull, Samuel E.
Rank and Organization: Private First Class, Company 'C', 104th Infantry Regiment, 26th Infantry Division, United States Army.
For extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against an armed enemy. On 29 December 1944, Private Hull's platoon was in a defensive position guarding an important highway near Wiltz, Luxembourg. When the enemy counter-attacked with a large force of infantry and supporting tanks, the men of the platoon bravely opened fire with small arms but were threatened with destruction by hostile tank fire. Private Hull, armed with a rocket launcher, waited until the lead tank approached to within thirty-five yards of his position, then leaped from his foxhole and standing completely exposed fired point blank at the tank. He scored a direct hit, disabling the tank, and while still exposed to withering fire he reloaded, fired at the second tank and scored another direct hit. The third tank fled leaving the supporting enemy infantry at the mercy of the platoon. The fearless determination Private Hull displayed, his courage and inspiring devotion to duty exemplify the highest traditions of the military service.
Hiervoor kreeg Hull, Samuel E. posthumously de Award of Distinguished Service Cross.
Huggins, Gordon E.
Rank and Organization: Private, Company 'K', 104th Infantry Regiment, 26th Infantry Division, United States Army.
For extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against an armed enemy. On 7 December 1944, in Saarlautern, Germany, Private Huggins and four companions were engaged in clearing ammunition and explosive from the cellar of a newly taken building which was to be used as a command post. He picked up a grenade with a defective fuse mechanism, fully arming it. There were two windows in the cellar, and realizing that the explosion would probably kill this companions he actec with split-second decision. Shouting a warning to his comrades he ran to a corner, turned his back to the men and held the grenade between his legs until it exploded, hurling him to the floor. His hand was severed and he suffered severe fragment wounds, but by his extraordinary courage he prevented injury to his companions. Private Huggins' supreme, unselfish devotion to duty exemplifies the highest traditions of the military service.
Hiervoor kreeg Huggings, Gordon E. de Award of Distinguished Service Cross.
Yestramski, Charles J.
Rank and Organization: Staff Sergeant, Company 'E', 104th Infantry Regiment, 26th Infantry Division, United States Army.
For extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against an armed enemy in France. On 8 November 1944, Sergeant Yestramski courageously volunteerd to evecuate a wounded member of his squad across a foot bridge near Vic-sur-Seille, France, which had been under heavy enemy artillery attack since early morning. Although painfully wounded himself, he started to carry his comrade across the bridge when an enemy shell severed it from its mooring, throwing him and the wounded squad member into the water. Mustering all his strength, he held the wounded man afloat until his cries brought help. Although the rescue party saved his wounded comrade, Sergeant Yestramski was carried off by the swift current before he could be pulled from the water. Sergeant Yestramski's heroic self-sacrifice and supreme devotion to duty reflect great credit upon himself and the military service.
Hiervoor kreeg Yestramski, Charles J. de Award of Distinguished Service Cross.
Walsh, Thomas J.
Rank and Organization: Technician Fifth Grade, Medical Detachment, 104th Infantry Regiment, 26th Infantry Division, United States Army.
For extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against an armed enemy in France. On 22 October 1944, near Moncourt Woods, France, Technician Fifth Grade Walsh voluntarily led a group of six litter bearers through murderous enemy machine gun and artillery fire to evacuate a score of comrades wounded in the attack against strongly foritfied hostile postions. Exhibiting dauntless courage he crawled from one to another of the wounded men, rendering first aid and assisting in their evacuation, before he was himself hit in both legs by enemy machine gun fire. As he dragged himself toward friendly lines, he stopped to treat several more casualties who were in very serious condition. Exhausted by the loss of blood, he crawled to a ditch where he remained for two days through intermittent enemy artillery attacks before being evacuated. Technician Fifth Grade Walsh's heroic actions and unselfish devotion to duty are in keeping with the highest tradition of the military service.
Hiervoor kreeg Walsh, Thomas J. de Award of Distinguished Service Cross.
Presser, Robert L.
Rank and Organization: Private, Company 'K', 104th Infantry Regiment, 26th Infantry Division, United States Army.
For extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against an armed enemy. On the night of 27 December 1944, Private Presser was a member of a nine man patrol that made a daring corssing of the Sure River, Luxembourg and infiltered behind enemy lines. When one of the members was hit in the chest by enemy fire Private Presser carried him back to the river bank only to find that the assault boats had been destroyed. Without hesitation he plunged into the icy, sleet-whipped river, towing his wounded comrade, and battled his way under enemy fire to the friendly shore. The courage and supreme devotion to duty Private Presser displayed distinguishes him as an outstanding soldier. His heroic, unselfish action is in keeping with the highest traditions of the serivce.
Hiervoor kreeg Presser, Robert L. de Award of Distinguished Service Cross.
Heb je meer van dergelijke verhalen en je wilt ze posten. Doe het !Harden, Henry E.
Tijdens de gevechten op 23 januari kwam Lance Corporal Henry Eric Harden van het Royal Army Medical Corps (R.A.M.C.) bij de Montforterbeek om het leven. Harden was ingedeeld bij Troop A van het No 45 Commando. Tijdens de gevechten waren er 3 man gewond geraakt en krop Harden over 100m door open terrein om de gewonden te verzorgen en te evacueren. De 3 gewonden lagen onder vuur en tijdens het evacueren van 1 soldaat werd Harden in de zij geraakt. Tegen de orders in ging hij met 2 man terug om de tweede gewonde op te halen. Tijdens deze evacuatie werden ze weer beschoten en sneuvelde de gewonde. Hierop keerde ze terug om de derde gewonde te evacueren. Luitenant Corey was de derde gewonde en tijdens het evacueren van Corey werd Harden door het hoofd geschoten, waardoor hij direct sneuvelde. Henry Eric Harden ligt begraven op de Nederweert War Cemetery.
Hiervoor kreeg Harden, Henry E. de Britse Victoria Cross, de hoogste militaire onderscheiding van het Britse leger.
Het maakt niks uit van welk land of welke oorlog de soldaat kwam.