Dunkirk series

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Lid geworden op: 18 feb 2004, 16:13

Dunkirk series

Bericht door ace »

Vanaf vanavond op BBC2 22.00u. Serie van 3 afleveringen, morgen deel 2 en vrijdag deel 3.

Veel plezier.

http://www.bbc.co.uk/pressoffice/pressr ... kirk.shtml
BBC2 schreef:You may have read a newspaper article about a new series which is being made by the BBC about the Dunkirk evacuation. Jane Root, the Controller of BBC TWO has released a public statement about this, which can be read here:

'Dear Sir,

As controller of BBC Two I would like to strongly disagree with the idea that the BBC's forthcoming drama series about 'Dunkirk' is a 'de-bunking of the myth of the heroic little ships' or reversioning of history.

The aim of 'Dunkirk' is to celebrate the veterans' bravery and commemorate those that lost their lives. 'Dunkirk' in no way questions the heroism and sacrifices of those involved in the evacuation. The 'Dunkirk' production team has talked to hundreds of veterans who have been willing to share their stories and experiences, and it is through these stories that we have been able to accurately represent a collection of their experiences that represent the story of Dunkirk. What is startling about their testimony - and is fully represented in the films - is the sacrifice, hard work and heroism involved in an action which resulted in the rescuing of over 338,000 people from the beaches absolutely against the odds.

Our researchers have turned over every archive they can find, they have spoken to several branches of the Dunkirk Veterans' Association, including Henley-on-Thames, Newcastle-upon-Tyne and Cheshire. The researchers also spoke to the Royal Naval Association and the Coldstream Guards. They’ve also gone into all the paperwork, into vast quantities of records in the public record office and in archives in France and Germany to track down this information. As a result the film will be respectful and testament to the bravery and sacrifice made by those involved in the evacuation.

The series was inspired in part by the fact that I was born in Leigh on Sea, the very place from where the cockle fleet set sail to France. I grew up hearing stories of these men's extra-ordinary actions. The very last thing I, or BBC TWO, would want to be involved in is a series that in any way belittled their astonishing achievements.

I would like to personally invite all Dunkirk veterans to a screening of the film when it is complete, I am sure on seeing it that any concerns any of them may have will be allayed.'
Willem ter Haar
Berichten: 1270
Lid geworden op: 27 jul 2003, 15:18
Locatie: Barneveld (Gelderland)

Bericht door Willem ter Haar »

Eens zien of mijn engels nog wat is. Misschien dat de ondertiteling helpt met begrijpen.
Als iedereen hetzelfde denkt, dan denkt er iemand niet na. (generaal George S. Patton)

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