vertaling brief 1896

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Roel R.
Berichten: 5675
Lid geworden op: 21 sep 2003, 01:50

vertaling brief 1896

Bericht door Roel R. »

Een maand terug kreeg ik een duitse brief uit 1896 in mijn bezit. Ik heb hem gekocht omdat ik het handschrift bijzonder vond. Ik heb hem direct gescant en gemaild naar mijn vertaler Armin in Munchen.

Het heeft hem een 20 uren werk gekost maar hij was er dan ook erg door geboeid. De brief lijkt een soort grap tussen vrienden/insiders te zijn voor een bepaalde bijeenkomst.

Hieronder de vertaling. Onder de vertaling kun je de scans zien.

Langebrück, May 19 1896
p.m. 7:45 min

Highly venerated impresario!

I have already thought today whether this old albatross of an impresario will not soon write someting about the next conference of the spiritus. I was already about to inquire.

The insults at the beginning of that sermon I just overlooked and I hope the same of your calf-brain, or is it nor maybe a truly outrageous impertinence, that I could namely refuse namely your request?
Come on! Let’s go to the Sacred Halls! Quickly outright! But not something else.

Who is going to take part in the party is something to me, namely all the same You do know namely something, namely that I participate in the party only namely for your sake.
About when? I did not memorize namely the time of departure, namely if on friday namely everything is closed, I am going to come somewhere, namely to the Harmony [usually a concert hall]. Because I do namely have ??? namely little time, I am namely going to ..... namely letter, which was namely a great pleasure, namely what did I actually want? Namely nothing really.
I would namely be colossally namely surprised if not another spiritist namely would participate! namely stupidly there will be some of the gentlemen spiritists namely be in Dresden.

Namely because I namely am so terribly fed up with one of them, I will say namely as often as I have to: “Namely, namely! namely!”

Summarily namely the society namely does appeal to me absolutely namely greatly.
If you did namely namely see my namely letter if you could call it that, you will namely have had something, namely enough.

But namely then I have at least had my revenge for your namely not coming to Langebrück, of course namely without namely your sister, naturally.

If you had namely not written to me, you would have namely, if it had namely become known to me afterwards, namely one namely and .....‘namely got a letter namely a la Albrecht.
But thus I am namely very grateful to you because of you namely invitation and
undersign humbly

still in namely half beastly spiritual opposition




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