even wat info.(wel in het engels):
Richard Schulz, corporal Artillery.
Soldbuch, 18-1-40. Winter war medal, wound Badge in black, war merit Cross 2nd C1. with swords.
He served with schw.Art.Abt.221 of the 221 Inf. Div., active Spt. 39-April 40 in poland and then transerred to the south-west germany.
July 40 the Div. was Disbanded and Schulz was transferred to schw.art.abt.223 of the 223.inf.div., till Oct.41 based in france(a.o. Britanny, Bordeaux) and then sent to russia (leningrad). Later he was transferred to Art.Abt.230 of the 169.inf.div. thit thes unit he served 1943-44 in finnland.
hij heeft ook het fuhrergeschenk gekregen op 3.5.44

(foto's zijn van vorige eigenaar)