Nieuwe Russische film "the Requiem on caravan PQ-17 &qu

Films, series en documentaires over WOII
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Lid geworden op: 03 jan 2004, 22:13
Locatie: Leiden

Nieuwe Russische film "the Requiem on caravan PQ-17 &qu

Bericht door Brianlinden »

Ik kreeg via msn deze link door

het is over een nieuwe film (denk ik) ik ken een beetje russisch (talent ja:P)het ziet er goed uit
Het verhaal gaat als volgt het verhaal vertelt over tragical vernietiging van de schepen van een konvooi die van Ijsland naar Murmansk in de zomer van 1942 en bijna bereikt had werd vernietigd
Van de 40 schepen hadden er maar 11 het overleeft
DE Escorte PQ-17 had 297 vliegtuigen, 495 tanks, 4246 vrachtmotorvoertuigen en tractoren, is door 156 duizend tonnen van andere vrachten verscheept. Het totaal dat van alle vrachten gekost heeft werd in 700 miljoen dollar geschat dit was dus een zware slag voor de russen meer heb ik van de tekst niet kunnen maken srry dus als er meer bekend post het maar


een paar plaatjes


Berichten: 2031
Lid geworden op: 24 okt 2002, 19:56

Bericht door YPPY »

Staat er ook nog in of de film in Nederland te zien zal zijn? Hij zal wel in het Russisch gesproken zijn, dus dan zien we hem hier vast niet. Wel jammer dat we voornamelijk Amerikaanse films hier krijgen (of tenminste Engels gesproken).
Berichten: 7
Lid geworden op: 12 feb 2004, 08:21

Bericht door Hole »

Even door de vertaler gehaald: dit kreeg ik eruit.

Simeon Levina's studio has finished work above visual effects to an art television movie of director Alexander Kotta and operator Peter Duhovskogo " Escort PQ-17 " on motives of the novel of Valentine Pikulja " the Requiem on caravan PQ-17 ". The producer of film - Vladimir Dostal. The serial tells about tragical destruction of the ships of an allied sea caravan which has left Iceland to Murmansk in the summer of 1942 and almost has been completely destroyed in polar breadthes.

The escort has consisted more than of 40 ships from which "have survived" only 11. - destroyers, transport courts, German and Soviet submarines, warplanes - now it is possible to see the most part of fighting and civil technics(technical equipment) only on pages of encyclopedias. However the Russian designers with the help of computer technologies managed to create their virtual doubles.

In these filmstrips people are real only:
- 1 fragment of film
- 2 fragment of film

Due to unique visual effects, before spectators stages of battles of the Second world war under water and on water, on the ground and in air appear. But in these episodes all only seems hereby. The ships, planes, and frequently and landscapes - a fruit of creation of experts on computer effects.

" From arms of those times remained nothing, - the head of studio Simeon Levin has told - War and time have not left anything. We had to restore all from zero ".

Less than for a year huge work has been done. Simeon Levina's studio is veiled by drawings and chronicle images of the ships, submarines and planes of times of war. Designers had to reproduce раскраску combat material, elements of marks, even fonts of that time. Experts of studio had to study not only appearance of technics(technical equipment), but also how she(it) moved what bore(carried) arms and as fighting orders have been constructed. For lines of stages as advisers veterans of war who more полувека back sat at steering wheels of these machines were invited.

For film 229 stages which recreate tragical events 60-years prescription have been made. The heroic history of caravan PQ-17 appears in a 8-serial film which on tragic element of a plot and impressing special effects is capable to argue with works of the western cinema.

History of escort PQ-17

On June, 27 Iceland was left with escort PQ-17 in structure of 35 transports, 2 tankers and 24 ships direct охранения.

On court of escort PQ-17 297 planes, 495 tanks, 4246 cargo motor vehicles and tractors, have been shipped by 156 thousand tons of other cargoes. The total cost of all cargoes was estimated in 700 million dollars.

Total cost of all other escorts, the ambassador and up to PQ-17, makes about 80 % from cost of one this caravan. It(he) should come in two seaports - Murmansk and Arkhangelsk, but his(its) true purpose was Сталинград.

As it was found out later, the safety of an escort was not the unique purpose of the British military authorities. They could not reconcile that Germany has the most high-speed and the most powerful in the world linear ship "Тирпиц", and aspired to destroy it(him).

" Actually, - English historian Irving writes, - operation on posting an escort should turn to statement of a trap for "Тирпица" with the bait consisted of more than thirty hardly loaded courts ".

" Bloody Sunday " on July, 5, 1942

Since July, 1 German submarines, bombers and torpedo bombers pursued an escort, but all attacks were successfully reflected.

Allies had all bases to hope, that the escort will reach ports of destination. However the British admiralty in the evening on July, 4 has ordered to an escort to dissipate because of the arisen threat and to courts independently to follow in the Soviet ports.

In the morning on July, 5 began that subsequently has received the name " Bloody Sunday ". The ether has been overflown with words - " Is torpedoed! ", " Обстрелян! ", " Тонем! "

Despite of heroic efforts on reflection of attacks, crews perished - from torpedos, from the Arctic icy cold. More than 200 seamen remained on sea depth, from above 1300 have rescued, their big part have delivered to Arkhangelsk.

Since that moment as the escort has broken up, it(he) has lost 21 transport. Only 11 courts managed to reach the Soviet ports.

The caravan, probably, would be completely sunk, if on a way линкора "Тирпиц" there was no Soviet submarine К-21.

"Тирпиц" in the damaged(injured) condition (Norway) where after it(him) the English aircraft which has taken off from the Soviet air stations of the North has finally finished has been compelled to be covered in one of fjords in area Tromse.
Reis door de nacht
Berichten: 22
Lid geworden op: 01 feb 2004, 16:06

Bericht door Reis door de nacht »

YPPY schreef:Staat er ook nog in of de film in Nederland te zien zal zijn? Hij zal wel in het Russisch gesproken zijn, dus dan zien we hem hier vast niet. Wel jammer dat we voornamelijk Amerikaanse films hier krijgen (of tenminste Engels gesproken).
Ik heb even opgezocht of dat hij Binnenkort in nederland zou zijn, maar dit is tot jullie niet het geval. dus volgens mij komt ie niet in nederland uit...
Berichten: 2031
Lid geworden op: 24 okt 2002, 19:56

Bericht door YPPY »

Weet iemand of deze film inmiddels in Nederland is verschenen?
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