Hierbij mijn verzameling :p
7 years in tibet moet er nog bij, wel niet zo oorlogs, maar speelt zich af tijdens oorlog.
Dit zouden ze zijn:
*WW2 + docu
Ambush Bay - 1966
Battle of Britain - 1969
Battleground - 1949
Band of brothers (vid)(1) - 2001
Band of brothers (vid)(2) - 2001
Band of brothers (vid)(3) - 2001
Band of brothers (vid)(4) - 2001
Band of brothers (vid)(5) - 2001
Die Brücke - 2009
A Bridge to far away - 1977
The Bunker - 2002
Captain Corelli's Mandolin - 2001
The Desert Fox - 1951
Defiance - 2008
Enemy at The Gates - 2001
Escape to Athena - 1979
Flags of our fathers - 2006
The Great Escape - 1963
The Guns of Navarone - 1961
Hart's war - 2001
The Inglorious Bastards - 1978
Max - 2002
Kings of Forth - 1958
Letters from Iwo Jima - 2006
The Longest Day - 1962
Patton - 1967
Pearl Harbor - 2001
The Pianist - 2002
Saboteur - 1942
Saving Private Ryan - 1998
Schindler's list - 1993
The Second Front - 2006
Sinck the Bismarck - 1960
A Soldier's Story - 1984
Stalingrad - 1993
In Tranzit - 2009
The Thin Red Line - 1998
Thunder Birds - 1942
Tora Tora Tora - 1970
Der Untergang - 2004
Windtalkers - 2001
Wing and a Prayer - 1944
When Trumpets Fade - 1998
The Young Lions - 1958
D-day the shortest day - 2005
D-day to berlin - 2005
WW2 A world in conflict (1)- 2000
WW2 A world in conflict (2)- 2000
WW2 A world in conflict (3)- 2000
All quiet on the w. front - 1979
The Blue Max - 1966
Flyboys - 2006
The lost battalion - 2001
The Trench - 1999
9th Company - koude oorlog
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