Hallo ich suche Gefechts berrichte von 8 Staal Geschützte, ihr könnt mir ruhig auf Niederländisch Antworten!
Fotos mit Bedienung oder von Paraden wären auch nicht schlecht danke!
Was ich bisher gefunden habe!
http://www.mei1940.nl/Verslagen/Majoor_ ... C.-4GB.htm
Mit Freundlichen Grüßen
8 Staal in Gefecht
- Mike.H
- Lid
- Berichten: 3298
- Lid geworden op: 20 dec 2005, 21:54
- Locatie: Apeldoorn
http://www.mei1940.nl/Popup/Images/Vuur ... 0staal.jpg
http://images.google.nl/imgres?imgurl=h ... nl%26lr%3D
meer info kan ik niet vinden. Entschuldigung
http://images.google.nl/imgres?imgurl=h ... nl%26lr%3D
meer info kan ik niet vinden. Entschuldigung

Go, tell the Spartans, stranger passing by,
That here, obedient to their laws, dead we lie. —
King Leonidas at Thermopylae
That here, obedient to their laws, dead we lie. —
King Leonidas at Thermopylae
- Mighty Sam
- Lid
- Berichten: 3
- Lid geworden op: 11 mei 2006, 20:51
- Mike.H
- Lid
- Berichten: 3298
- Lid geworden op: 20 dec 2005, 21:54
- Locatie: Apeldoorn

Don't know so much about the 8-steel.. I do know that it's purchased in 1881 or something like that.. It served mainly in the Amsterdam Fortresses..
It's not on this page either.. http://www.grebbeberg.nl/bibliotheek/be ... index.html
(sorry that I don't speak German.. I'm not so damn good at it

Go, tell the Spartans, stranger passing by,
That here, obedient to their laws, dead we lie. —
King Leonidas at Thermopylae
That here, obedient to their laws, dead we lie. —
King Leonidas at Thermopylae
- Polte
- Lid
- Berichten: 2171
- Lid geworden op: 08 nov 2005, 16:53
- Mighty Sam
- Lid
- Berichten: 3
- Lid geworden op: 11 mei 2006, 20:51
So das habe ich mal zusammen bekommen aus verschiedene Quellen;
At 10 May 1940 no less than 108 guns 8-staal were available to the artillery units. These guns were all to be found in the outer defence-lines and Zeeland. Part of these guns had an artillery task [17RA, 20RA], but the majority was assigned infantry support tasks due to lack of light infantry guns and AT guns. These units were usually assigned as single gun-batteries.
Indeed, two of the three artillery battalions of 20RA [Mill and Weert] produced some effective fire. This was all short range fire. Effective range of the 8-staal was no more than 3,500 meter.
Effective fire against dynamic targets was impossible. The 8-staal gun had a fixed gunbed with no traverse mechanism. It was heavy to turn and had a very slow loading and aiming procedure. It had a high gun-profile and required very short range fire in order to inflict any considerable damage to an armoured target. Shelling of armoured targets at distances of over 500 meter would hardly cause any damage to the target. Tracks and wheels might have been damaged or destroyed, but permanent loss or loss of lives of the crews is out of the question.
Even the slightly more effective [higher V0] and dynamic 6-veld gun, which had dedicated solid rounds available for fighting armoured targets, proved totally inapt against Pz.III at short distance. Rounds were witnessed to bounce off.
@Allert Goossens
At the mobilisation in 1939, artillery had:
52 stuks 8 staal.
I found a Interresanten report!
In den morgen van 11 Mei werden pantserwagens gemeld voor de versperingen in WEERT. Verschillende artilleriestellingen van de Duitschers werden, ook door passeerende burgers, gemeld. Gezien de korte dracht van 8 staal kon hierop echter geen vuur worden gebracht.
4 G.B. bestond uit den Staf met Vbd.A..drie tirailleurcompagnieen, twee secties zware mitrailleurs, vier stukken pag, vier geweren tegen pantserdoelen (t.p.) en een sectie mortieren. Voorts was ingedeeld, ter beschikking van den BC., I-20 R.A., bestaande uit 12 stukken van 8 staal.
Tegen 12.00 werd door een der compagnieën een vijandelijke artilleriemeetafdeeling gemeld in WEERT. Hierop werd met 8 staal het vuur geopend, zooals direct bleek met succes. Ondanks het feit, dat de artilleristen niet geoefend waren met 8 staal, werd uitnemend geschoten. Een der andere compagnieën en een burger meldden een batterij artillerie op het snijpunt van de BIEST en de EMMASINGEL in WEERT. Voorts een concentratie van pantserwagens, gemeld door een burger uit de stad. Op deze drie doelen zijn 360 granaten verschoten.
http://www.mei1940.nl/Verslagen/Majoor_ ... C.-4GB.htm http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/Barracks/1247/
With friendly greets
By the way:
The penetration power of the 8-staal shells was very limited. It had no dedicated AP ammunitions and had a low V0. Probably at short range armoured cars would be jeopardized, but most likely the German tanks - which it did not meet during the German tank push through the south - of the types III and IV would have had no more than a dent in the armour from the HE ammo of the 8-staal. The types I and II, which were as poorly armoured as the average German armoured car, were less safe, but also these tanks did not meet up with these 8-staal guns. One or two armoured cars may have been victimised by these guns, but no specific details on those either.
Ja ihr könnt mir ruhig auf Niederländisch Antworten, ich verstehe es zu 100% da ich selber einer bin, aber schon lange in Deutschland lebe!
Wie sah eigentlich der Lade vorgang aus?
At 10 May 1940 no less than 108 guns 8-staal were available to the artillery units. These guns were all to be found in the outer defence-lines and Zeeland. Part of these guns had an artillery task [17RA, 20RA], but the majority was assigned infantry support tasks due to lack of light infantry guns and AT guns. These units were usually assigned as single gun-batteries.
Indeed, two of the three artillery battalions of 20RA [Mill and Weert] produced some effective fire. This was all short range fire. Effective range of the 8-staal was no more than 3,500 meter.
Effective fire against dynamic targets was impossible. The 8-staal gun had a fixed gunbed with no traverse mechanism. It was heavy to turn and had a very slow loading and aiming procedure. It had a high gun-profile and required very short range fire in order to inflict any considerable damage to an armoured target. Shelling of armoured targets at distances of over 500 meter would hardly cause any damage to the target. Tracks and wheels might have been damaged or destroyed, but permanent loss or loss of lives of the crews is out of the question.
Even the slightly more effective [higher V0] and dynamic 6-veld gun, which had dedicated solid rounds available for fighting armoured targets, proved totally inapt against Pz.III at short distance. Rounds were witnessed to bounce off.
@Allert Goossens
At the mobilisation in 1939, artillery had:
52 stuks 8 staal.
I found a Interresanten report!
In den morgen van 11 Mei werden pantserwagens gemeld voor de versperingen in WEERT. Verschillende artilleriestellingen van de Duitschers werden, ook door passeerende burgers, gemeld. Gezien de korte dracht van 8 staal kon hierop echter geen vuur worden gebracht.
4 G.B. bestond uit den Staf met Vbd.A..drie tirailleurcompagnieen, twee secties zware mitrailleurs, vier stukken pag, vier geweren tegen pantserdoelen (t.p.) en een sectie mortieren. Voorts was ingedeeld, ter beschikking van den BC., I-20 R.A., bestaande uit 12 stukken van 8 staal.
Tegen 12.00 werd door een der compagnieën een vijandelijke artilleriemeetafdeeling gemeld in WEERT. Hierop werd met 8 staal het vuur geopend, zooals direct bleek met succes. Ondanks het feit, dat de artilleristen niet geoefend waren met 8 staal, werd uitnemend geschoten. Een der andere compagnieën en een burger meldden een batterij artillerie op het snijpunt van de BIEST en de EMMASINGEL in WEERT. Voorts een concentratie van pantserwagens, gemeld door een burger uit de stad. Op deze drie doelen zijn 360 granaten verschoten.
http://www.mei1940.nl/Verslagen/Majoor_ ... C.-4GB.htm http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/Barracks/1247/
With friendly greets
By the way:
The penetration power of the 8-staal shells was very limited. It had no dedicated AP ammunitions and had a low V0. Probably at short range armoured cars would be jeopardized, but most likely the German tanks - which it did not meet during the German tank push through the south - of the types III and IV would have had no more than a dent in the armour from the HE ammo of the 8-staal. The types I and II, which were as poorly armoured as the average German armoured car, were less safe, but also these tanks did not meet up with these 8-staal guns. One or two armoured cars may have been victimised by these guns, but no specific details on those either.
Ja ihr könnt mir ruhig auf Niederländisch Antworten, ich verstehe es zu 100% da ich selber einer bin, aber schon lange in Deutschland lebe!
Wie sah eigentlich der Lade vorgang aus?
- Lid
- Berichten: 1070
- Lid geworden op: 30 mar 2006, 17:55
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